Ayashe Chitsa Amara, affectionately known as Chitsa, is the youngest sister of Tsugi Dawali Amara, one of the original founders of the AniWayan tribe in 'Souls territory.
Name Meaning: little fair one, eternal
Formal Address: Ayashe Amara · Casual Address: Chitsa (Amara)
Nickname: Chi
Birthdate: May 13th, 2007
Luperci: Yes (Ortus)
Heritage: 100% Canis rufus rufus
Home & Rank: AniWaya — Gata Hineyu
Mother: Udanvdi Amara [living, Great Tribe]
Father: Uhusti Amara [deceased]
Brothers: Songan Ohiteka Amara [living, AniWaya], Muraco Amara [living], Oya Amara [stillborn], Tsugi Dawali Amara [living, AniWaya], Len Kanti Amara [deceased], Kohana Ashkii Amara [deceased], Lagundo Wematin Amara [living], Oya Amara [stillborn]
Sisters: Sitsi Wyanet Amara [deceased], Mochni Nitis Amara [deceased], Sanuye Amara [living]
Uncles: N/A
Aunts: Peta Amara [deceased]
Cousins: N/A
Nieces: Asha Amara [living, Great Tribe], Aiyanna Amara [living, Great Tribe], Sakari Yakone Amara [living, AniWaya]

Built like any other red wolf female, Chitsa is smaller than the average wolf and shows some lines typical to coyotes rather than wolves. Her fur is primarily a tuscany color, most easily seen on her sides, flanks, nose and ears. The upper part of her body is covered with diesel- and cork-colored fur, while her underside is a pale soapstone color. Her size is average — smaller than the Grey wolf, but larger than any coyote or jackal, she shows musculature and weight found in an adult female who eats the required amount of rher size, but does not hunt for herself frequently. Her Secui form is significantly more muscular than her Lupus form, low to the ground and boxy with thick fur meant to protect her during most activities. Due to cultural beliefs, Chitsa is only ever found in her Optime form — the bipedal body enables her to use hands, fingers and thumbs to the best of her abilities. Her mane grows with a slight kink to it, bangs falling into her face often, and she keeps it in place with the use of well-placed braids. It reaches a place between the small of her back and her hips, fading from a diesel and cork jumble to a smooth tuscany shade about one-third of the way down her head. Her eyes are a simple, Tower gray color. Chitsa's eyes are unremarkable and display emotion like any average creature. Finding them unnecessary, Chitsa chooses not to wear clothing. Instead, she has a simple leather belt that holds any tools she might need through her day. Further adornments include brightly colored feathers in fiery shades — white, red, orange, yellow, brown and black — as well as matching beads. She owns no jewelry.
Coming soon!
Chitsa is, first and foremost, outgoing. She enjoys the company of others, she loves to talk and her attitude is usually very positive. Of course, everyone has flaws — Chitsa is a fairly traditional AniWayan woman, and this creates problems in many of her interactions. Her biggest flaw is her temper — it's neither hard nor pleasant to make this woman angry and she can hold a grudge with the best of them.

Basic: Male Strix varia — 'Barred Owl'
Appearance: Average strix varia appearance; rounded head without ear tufts, mottled grey-brown upper, light under with dark bars on both the chest and belly. Beak is yellow, eyes are brown.
Demeanor: Mongwau seems to be mute, as he has never once spoken a word to Chitsa or any other creature to the knowledge of the Amara woman. In the past, he often left Chitsa to her owl devices; since the death of her mate, however, he has become more evident in her day-to-day life, possibly to ensure she has company in her activities. When faced with other spirit guides, he keeps to himself, having no desire to deal with the attitudes of others (especially those of Chitsa's siblings).
Preferred Form: In public settings, he remains invisible to the world, though he will sometimes allow himself to be audible to all. When in Chitsa's home, regardless of guests, he maintains a corporeal body to enable him to roost upon a large branch roost crafted by Chitsa's late mate.
Coming soon!
Kunikoti: Chitsa was originally a member of the Medicine path from the point she was able to join the adult ranks until she went on her Journey.
Gata Hineyu & Otlvna Gata: After a jarring situation that occured during her spiritual Journey, Chitsa returned to the Great Tribe with a strong desire to serve the Great Fire directly. She was granted a change in her profession path and joined the Fire Tenders, rising through rank to the second tier.
Lovers & Relationships:
Kotori Amara (Angeni): Kotori was from another family within the Great Tribe, the Angeni family, that Chitsa became quite close to in the Winter of 2008. When the second sickness hit the tribe upon their move from their original home, Kotori and his brother, Ahanu, were left without parents to raise four younger siblings. Feeling sympathy for the family, Chitsa began offering her help to the two men. It was during this period that Kotori found himself enamored with Chitsa, seeing her as a kind and generous woman; Chitsa, however, was rather oblivious to the displays of flirtation that started during the hours spent with the Angeni brood. It wasn't until the Summer of 2010 that the two committed to each other. Sadly, shortly after their marriage, Kotori was killed during an attack on the Tribe from an outside pack of Luperci. His spirit guide, an alligator named Ahote, remained with Chitsa until she left the Great Tribe.